Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So We Shot a Video Commercial

It was early June and things were already starting to get a little hot for this transplanted Chicagoan. I know I've been here for 23 years and I already should be used to it... but I am not.


We were late getting back to my offices in the Galleria and the catering guys from Escalantes were right on time... "damn!" We got in and the catering pros got right to work with our food set up and in 15 minutes we had a beautiful spread of food ready to be eaten. Though I was ready to dig in to those hot fajitas and fresh made guacamole right then and there! However, I exercised some patience and waiting a whole 20 minutes to eat. Luckily the camera crew was running a little late and everything seemed to coordinate just fine.

Hold on...

Lets back up... you see about a month earlier we had sent out invitations to show off our new fresh and modern office and, hopefully, capture some great testimonials about our company.


Let me back up a little more. You see, Citysearch.. the online, local directory is now offering a service where they will come out to your office and film and 2 minute commercial and post it to your Citysearch profile - FOR FREE!!!! You just make a commitment to spend a certain dollar amount per month with them... all performance based... so if they don't drive traffic to you - you pay nothing.

It was a deal I couldn't refuse!

So I thought - instead of trying to figure out what to say in the commercial why don't we have a luncheon, invite our clients and have them talk about us. That's exactly what we did.

So to wrap this post up... we sent out invites, people came, ate and said some great things about us. In fact, I was really impressed with all the kind remarks we received.

A nice thing about a commercial is that in just a couple of minutes we talked about our trixbox IP PBX VoIP phone systems, our distributed audio system called Sonos and our AT&T voice and data services.

So here is our little commercial. Check it out and let me know what you think.

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